The Corona virus COVID-19 has pushed universities into the online world, but most university staff has a lack of knowledge operating with such tools (and there is a wide range of tools!); they do not have trust in such tools and do not believe they could produce real/desired effects to their internal and external communities. Despite the existing targets, strategies, actions and measures at the European University level, the real transformations processes (complete definition of the online universities’ world for all in the EU) were slowly implemented and even still Entrepreneurial Universities is not a generalized practice.
Thus, the MUST project is more actual and urgently needed as ever because existing university staff need multimedia skills to support the existing education crisis and to quickly define the complete digital world of each university (high quality, attractive, accessible resources, based on blended and open learning)! E-learning platforms, such as virtual campuses developed under the Moodle application, are already existing solutions, but multimedia products can contribute to a more realistic experience of learning and could better nurture and animate online learners’ communities.
Digital media are new and effective learning opportunities for universities communities: internal, such as for academic staff and students, but also for external community stakeholders (people related to LLP and CVET). Skilled university staff could better support not only the internal processes of the universities but also university-community projects by creating a strong imagine (through visual storytelling, experiments and demonstrations, transmedia, etc.) on the academic potential for knowledge-innovation transfer, LLP and CVET, social and cultural projects, for university offerings, advertising, etc.
The MUST project aims to develop tools to train university staff in creating and using multimedia technologies effectively, so that they have the skills to create more realistic and attractive content of their communication in education research and university-community projects.